
9 Movie Reviews

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Awesome! It's rare that an extended version or remake exceeds the original, but this is at least as good if not better than the last one. Great work!

Steinberg responds:

Thanks! I was lucky I found this song!

awfully awesome

It was really awful at points, and then really awesome. And then even more awesome, but then really, really awful. Then it was totally awesome. So you win!

Logical flaw

This was kinda funny, but your premise is flawed. Rants are much funnier when they reveal a truth, and this doesn't do that.

You've created a "false dichotomy" (check google), i.e. you are either a conformist or a non-conformist. That's like saying you are either a fish, or a non-fish. I hope you can see that the "non-fish" category encompasses billions and billions of possibilities, not a single choice.

crazyguylink responds:

Sorry about that. I'll try to be more accurate in the future.

Nice idea

Good idea, nicely executed, but repeating the same anims over and over lowers interest. You'd be better off editing the song down so you don't have to stretch the content to fill the time. Playing with the size of each anim and combining them was a good idea, but this would be a lot more enjoyable half as long.

Insanimation responds:

The size changing was actually acidental, to be honest :P

Thanks for the review!

It's a Wonderful World

Painfully funny. Brilliant.

Great idea!

Great idea for a collab. Nicely executed and shows some promise. I could see this becoming a series. It would be cool to see the character of the city evolve, and there are lots of opportunities for ironic references to old pixely games and maybe old tech in general.

I agree ...

they so funny as retarde!!!


Good animation, good audio, nice and trippy. I think it does exactly what you wanted it to do.

For anyone interested, the voice is Miller from the movie "Repo Man" (1984). One of my favourite movies. Though the quote is actually "the Mayans invented television", not "the minds invented television." Even trippier that way, no?

Freemasons rule the world, bra.

Rutger responds:

Yeah dude. Ahh, I already found it weird why there weren't any lyrics lol, so I had to do it by listening... q:

Thanks a lot :D

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